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  • Mehmet Ulubatlı

    Mehmet Ulubatlı

    (Painting, Caricature, Abstract Art)

    Mehmet Ulubatlı has been carrying on his artwork in painting since he initially started in Ali Atakan's atelier. Practicing linear drawing and prioritizing the figure in his early years of art practices, Ulubatlı's work starts to show transformations beginning from the 1990s. Moving away from the figure towards abstract art, the artist begins to use darker colors such as shades of navy and brown in his paintings. During his period, the figure in his paintings can be observed as a form of a silhouette. Following the 2000s, Ulubatlı's artwork becomes completely abstract with much more colorful silhouettes. The artist tells the story of his art piece by using brighter colors with a wide spectrum. In his collection, vibrant colors are notably explicit in his artworks from 2000 and 2002. Moreover, the artist significantly uses a spiral form to tell the story of life-cycle in his works. Along with his socio-political paintings in his early years, Ulubatlı, later on, works on paintings in which he reflects his own inner world. His artworks on chaos between dreams and reality, nude figures and symbols can be accepted as samples reflecting the inner world. Ulubatlı also conducted many international practices on caricatures and in the field of theatre.

     CV of the Artist



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